  • Review body

  • About Moonflowers Saffron Threads

  • 我们喜欢什么

  • What we don’t like

  • 您应该购买月花藏红花线吗?


  • Delicious and flavorful

  • 无数食谱应用

  • 尺寸范围良好


  • Storage instructions and expiration date aren't included

Review body

Moonflowers从阿富汗的赫拉特地区采购其高级藏红花由女性农民手工收获。创始人Tahmina Ghaffer坚持支持这些阿富汗妇女由于他们的劳动占整体藏红花种植的大部分。为了支持阿富汗的妇女,Moonflowers有一系列资源清单帮助阿富汗家庭以及直接捐款选项国际救援委员会在其商店页面上。

These tins are tiny but mighty—the pinch of saffron I added to my rice transformed it into a dish with velvety depth.

About Moonflowers Saffron Threads



  • 起源:赫拉特,阿富汗
  • 类型:超级静脉
  • Sizes:2g, 5g, 10g
  • 常见食谱申请:,,,,塔迪格,意大利调味饭,海鲜饭


Credit: Reviewed / Madison Trapkin


It's delicious, flavorful, and fairly priced

If you're like me, you've probably paid too much for flavorless grocery store saffron before—the stuff that comes in a too-big glass jar and costs exponentially more than, say, equally punchy black pepper. Unlike this run-of-the-mill saffron, Moonflowers' saffron adds a lightly sweet and deeply earthy flavor to every dish you use it in, plus it's priced comparably to other quality saffron on the market.

Many saffron varieties will simply alter the color of whatever dish your cooking, which is certainly advantageous when you're trying to distinguish saffron risotto from mushroom risotto. But in terms of flavor, Moonflowers delivers big time tastiness that competitors just can't compete with.


You'd be hard-pressed to find something youcan't将藏红花添加到。藏红花桃果酱?你敢打赌。藏红花和梨蛋糕和意大利乳清干酪奶油由Jordan Rondell的创始人Jordan RondellThe Caker?绝对地。您的一盒藏红花将在很多美味的菜肴,咸味和甜美的菜肴中走很长一段路。

The size options are useful for all sorts of cooks

If you're still in the exploration phase of saffron cooking, the 2-gram tin ($15.99) is the perfect size. It'll easily last for a handful of dishes because remember, a pinch in all you need for many recipes. If, like Ghaffer, you drink homemade saffron tea every morning, then you'll probably want to opt for either the 5- or 10-gram tin. And if youreally不能得到足够的这些东西 - 公平地说,我们不会怪您 - 您可以订阅任何锡尺寸并自动交付。

What we don’t like

Storage instructions and expiration date aren't included

Unlike many other spices, saffron has a relatively long shelf-life of one to two years, depending on who you ask and what sort of environment you live in. That said, since saffron is technically perishable, it would be helpful to know when it's time to toss and how best to store it.


左:一个人抛出一些藏红花the air against a wall that's half white and half purple. Right: A close-up image of saffron threads in oil.

Moonflowers uses super negin, a premium saffron that's deep red and long stemmed.


If you're already a fan of saffron and you've been on the hunt for top-notch threads, Moonflowers is the answer. Or, if you're new to this particular spice but you enjoyingtrying new recipes,这把藏红花可能是通向新的令人兴奋的风味剖面的门户。Moonflowers藏红花线的价格大约为16美元,与其他香料购买者不同,Moon Flowers支付了耕种产品的阿富汗妇女。

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Madison covered all things cooking as the kitchen editor for Reviewed in 2021. Formerly the editor-in-chief of Culture Magazine, Madison is the founder of GRLSQUASH, a women's food, art, and culture journal. Her work has also appeared in The Boston Globe, Cherrybombe, Gather Journal, and more. She is passionate about pizza, aesthetic countertop appliances, and regularly watering her houseplants. She holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Georgia and a Master's of Liberal Arts in Gastronomy from Boston University.

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