Health & Fitness

Keep your thighs chafe-free with these tips and tricks

这里没有“ chub rub”!

Person rubbing cream on their thigh 学分:GetTyimages / Drazen-Zigic


几乎每个人都一次或一次处理chaf。而且由于大腿之间是擦伤的常见区域,所以它被称为“ chub rub”。当大腿长时间摩擦时,您可能会遭受极端的不适和皮肤刺激。如果你你会发生这种情况going for a run,游泳,甚至只是穿着大腿露天的衣服散步。这里有一些方法可以防止在像我测试过的产品解决方案一样,在像螃蟹一样畅游之前就可以防止擦伤。

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1. Bike shorts



防止chub摩擦的最简单方法也是最明显的:不要让大腿一起摩擦。穿着bike shorts单独或在衣服或裙子可以帮助防止年代kin on skin friction. Depending on the length, the bike shorts may be visible under your clothing, but, if this bothers you, you can snag ones that match your skin tone or opt for a shorter length that’ll still cover the areas you chafe the most.

每个人的身体都不同 -3英寸自行车短可以充分覆盖您需要的东西,而其他人可能更喜欢8英寸插座。对我来说,我找到了6英寸短裤似乎是避免刺激的完美长度。


Credit: Bandelettes



一些公司喜欢Bandelettesmake “sexy” ones out of lace to try and turn this frustrating problem into a flirtatious secret, but after testing them, I’ve found that the lace ones don’t prevent chafing—they hurt in a different way because the fabric was scratchy all over. Instead, I recommend you get ones that are made of a soft microfiber material, likeBandelette的男女通用乐队,,,,which are made of a nylon and spandex blend. This way, your thighs will be protected as you sashay your way through the day.

3. Anti-chafing balms

学分:审核 /贝西·戈德瓦瑟(Betsey Goldwasser)



有些人推荐产品,例如BodyGlideor大型前往大腿之前摩擦。我以前尝试过Bodyglide,但没有像以前的同事那样运气她的跑步发誓。它工作了大约10分钟,但很快,我发现我的大腿又开始擦干了 - 好像车身凝胶擦掉了。如果您不介意重新涂抹或大腿不太厚,抗奶油的香脂可能是您的绝佳解决方案。

有些人觉得很糟糕petroleum jelly大腿之间的工作也与预防方法一样。对于日常解决方案而言,这可能太油腻又凌乱,但是如果您陷入困境,或者想看看润滑剂如何在不购买抗安全性香脂的情况下工作,那么这可能是一个很好的尝试。

4. Body powder

Talcum powder on hands
学分:getTyimages / thitareesarmkasat

Body powder helps to prevent moisture which causes chafing.

Another thing to consider is eliminating all moisture from the areas where you typically chafe, as excess moisture can increase friction. The best way to do this on the thighs is with a身体粉。Though you'll likely need to apply powder several times a day for proper chafing prevention, particularly if you live in a hot or humid climate. Although it may work, reapplying is a pain when you’re out in public and powder can make a big, obvious mess.

如果这听起来对您来说太多了,那您就很幸运。还有baby powder lotionthat applies like any other lotion but dries into a moisture-absorbing powder. The compact packaging makes it easy to carry on your person and reviewers say it kept them chafe-free in the summer months.

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