


This dog subscription box is pricey, but it can be tailored to your dog's needs. 学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau


It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Kong dog toys—I include them in just about every狗玩具综述I write, as they’re extremely durable and versatile.

因此,当我听到该品牌有自己的订阅盒时,我知道我想为我的狗买它,addy. TheKong Box,,,,which starts at $29.95, promises to surprise and delight your dog with a monthly delivery of treats, toys, and training tools, and they even offer “Solution Boxes” that help address common issues, such as boredom, separation anxiety, and more. After reading the description, I genuinely couldn’t wait to see what the box had in store for us, and of course, Addy was excited at the prospect of new toys!


What is KONG
学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau

We've been using KONGs since Addy was a wee pup.

If you own a dog, chances are you’re familiar with Kong. The brand is best known for its cult-favorite self-named rubber toy, which is shaped like a snowman and has more than 20k reviews on Amazon. The经典孔toy is hollow inside, allowing you to stuff food or treats inside it, and it’s a great way to keep your pup busy for a few hours—when Addy was a puppy, she got one every night to help her settle into her crate without crying. It was a lifesaver! Kongs come in a variety of sizes and toughness levels, making them an unbeatable option for all types of dogs.

While this toy is what most people think of when they hear the term Kong, the brand also has a lot of other products. Addy has theKong Genius Miketoy, aKONG ball, 以及ASAKong Harnessand matching皮带,,,,which I absolutely love. All that to say, Kong offers a wide variety of dog supplies—not just its namesake toy.

What is the Kong Box, and how does it work?

什么是Kong Box
Credit: KONG

The KONG Box is a monthly subscription box tailored to your dog.

现在,回到Kong Box。这个每月的狗盒子起价为每盒29.95美元,在美国的连续美国,阿拉斯加和夏威夷。每个盒子都包含一个Kong培训玩具,一个“个性玩具”,三种类型的零食,以及使用Kong的食谱和技巧。另外,您还将在第一个盒子中获得经典的孔。

当您注册一个Kong Box时,您要做的第一件事就是填写有关宠物的一些基本信息。他们要求您的狗的名字和生日,以及它们的大小和年龄。您还可以选择狗需要帮助的区域,包括无聊,体重管理,出牙,咀嚼,吠叫和分离焦虑等选择。

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KONG asks for basic information about your dog to help tailor your boxes.

填写所有这些信息后,您可以选择您的计划 - 您可以选择12盒,每本$ 29.95,每件6盒,每份$ 34.95,或一个每月39.95美元的“逐月”计划。如您所见,如果您承诺制定更长的计划,则可以在每个框中节省一些钱,并且品牌承诺您将不会收到重复玩具。最后,您选择是否要每月或每隔一个月交付的盒子,然后您就可以了!

Here’s what was in Addy’s Kong Box

学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau

Our first KONG Box came with six items for Addy, and a bonus product for me!

我为她填写了Addy的个人资料 - 她想自己做,但是您知道,她没有拇指 - 供您参考,她的体重50磅,一岁。我选择无聊作为她的“麻烦区”,因为当我在家工作时,她经常打扰我(和猫)。

We were extremely excited to open her first Kong Box, and it didn’t disappoint! Here’s what we found inside our first box:



给你一个更好的主意是否香港框is worth the splurge—because let’s be honest, $30 a month isn’t cheap!—I’ll explain a little bit about each toy and what we thought of it.

The Classic Kong

Classic KONG
学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau

Too many KONGs? There's no such thing!



Goody Bone
学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau


一种ny of Kong's “Extreme” toys are made from super durable black rubber, and this bone-shaped toy is seriously heavy duty. There’s a hole through each end where you can shove treats, but to be honest, I haven’t found any treats that fit well in there. I imagine it would be a good place to put a bully stick, but those have been making Addy sick lately. So overall, this toy hasn’t gotten a lot of use from us.

The Wild Knots Bear

学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau

This bear has seen better days, but Addy still loves him.

I don’t buy Addy plush toys any more, as she rips them to shreds, so she was quite excited to get her teeth on the Wild Knots Bear. This toy has a unique knotted rope inside that’s supposed to make it more durable, and it also has less fiberfill than your average plushie.

一种s expected, Addy ripped this toy open within a matter of days and left the poor bear’s stuffing all over my floor. However, she still enjoys carrying it around and playing tug with it, and she happily presents it to you when you arrive home.


学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau


I had never seen a Marathon treat before, and I was instantly intrigued by the concept. Basically, it snaps into the open end of a Classic KONG, blocking the hole to extend playtime. I gave Addy a hotdog-stuffed Kong capped with the Marathon treat on one particularly rainy afternoon, and she happily accepted the challenge of breaking the treat apart.

I expected it to take herat leastan hour to get past the “cap,” but she quickly figured out how to snap pieces off it, finishing the whole thing in around 20 minutes. Overall, it’s a cool concept, but it didn’t last nearly as long as I had hoped.

The other treats

Other treats
学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau


保持简短,我们使用和其他喜欢海藻糖酶ts that came in the Kong Box. The Sweet Potato Stuff’n is a good alternative to peanut butter when stuffing a Classic Kong, and Addy seemed to love the taste. (She also eats cat poop, though, so I guess that’s not saying much.) The Kong Bites are just your average soft treats, which we use for training, so those came in handy.

Kong Box值得吗?

学分:审查 / Camryn Rabideau

“更少的图片,请更多地玩,” Addy说。

Kong Box比其他狗订阅盒要贵一些 - 进行比较Barkbox从每月22美元起,并且耐嚼的狗好盒子is $25—and if you’re going to be paying $30+ every month, you definitely want to get your money’s worth.

即使我们的Kong Box中的某些产品有点失败,但我仍然很高兴为Addy购买此盒子,并将其推荐给其他宠物父母。为什么?主要是因为我知道并喜欢这个品牌,毫无疑问,您将获得高质量的玩具。我也非常喜欢这个盒子带来保证不会有任何重复玩具,这会让我在购买6个或12个月的订阅方面感觉更好。(我猜您可能会得到重复点心,如果只是因为该品牌没有那么多不同的产品。)

I also really liked that the box was tailored towards Addy’s individual needs. Several of the items in our box were designed to keep her busy for longer (though, in the case of the Marathon treat, it didn’t work), helping to alleviate her boredom and keep her stimulated. I can see this box being extremely useful for people with puppies, as Kong toys definitely helped us out during crate training and teething periods.

底线?如果您喜欢Kong Toys,并且想看看他们还需要提供什么狗,那么您不会后悔购买Kong Box。

Get a Kong Box, starting at $29.95 per month

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