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Being able to see inside the fridge without opening it is a minor convenience, as well as a time and energy saver, but that wasn’t what sold us. The Auto-Door feature, which opens the door just a tad when you pass your foot over a hologram at the bottom of the fridge, is the true highlight of the Signature fridge. The point of this feature is to allow users to open the door when their hands are full.



诚然,这些功能都没有万搏体育官网网址必要的to the refrigerator experience; The vast majority of consumers just want their ice boxes to keep their food cold. But the point of premium appliances is to push the experience of the appliance beyond ordinary function, which the Signature fridge certainly does.



约翰尼·尤(Johnny Yu)

约翰尼·尤(Johnny Yu)



Johnny Yu为Reviewed.com写万搏体育官网网址了新闻,功能和评论。他以社会心理学的学士学位从U-Mass Boston毕业,并花了很多时间来扩大自己的游戏视野。有时,他在工作中洗衣服。

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