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10 things you probably didn't know your Apple TV could do

用这10个技巧和技巧掌握您的Apple TV

苹果电视 信用:Apple TV

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从您的孩子们喜欢的令人敬畏的教育游戏到度假计划,您的Apple TV不仅仅是看电视。

尽管这个名字,苹果的媒体流媒体不仅仅是狂欢观看西部世界。而且,当您真正将其推向极限时,“ Apple TV”之类的名称并不能使这种强大而多方面的机器正义。以下是一些最佳的内部技巧和技巧,可以导航您的Apple Pizza Order Music Streaming-Remote控制所有电视。

1. Use Siri to fast-forward and rewind what you're watching

Thanks to Apple TV’s integration with Siri, you no longer have to endlessly scrub back and forth through movies and shows to find a specific moment. Simply tell Siri to fast forward or rewind a specific amount of time (i.e., 20 minutes) and you’ll be taken to the point in the show you want to view.



Apple TV可以帮助您大大加强您的电影之夜。


Picture this: It’s 11:00pm and you’re watching Schitt’s Creek with your better half or roommate, laughing and howling to your heart’s content….Well, until your angry neighbors knock on your door and ask you to turn it down ten notches and inform you they’re telling building management. Fear not! Enter: salvation. Tell Siri to turn on “Reduce Loud Sounds” and dialogue will be boosted and music and sound effects softened so everyone can carry on peace. This feature is also great if you share a home with multiple roommates or some family members go to sleep sooner than others. P.S. When you don’t want to disrupt others, you can use AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones while streaming things from your Apple TV and keep everyone very, very happy.



4. ...也让孩子们开心

啊,西里,当我们一只手杂耍晚餐准备时,我们如何爱你,另一只手中有个蹒跚学步的幼儿。需要分散孩子的注意力吗?尝试询问Siri,例如“搜索YouTube的可爱小狗视频”,并在桌上吃饭时让孩子们开心。如果您的孩子需要一些游戏才能保持安顿下来,请将您的iPhone借给他们,它可以用作额外的控制器,并允许他们挑战该团伙参加诸如Jackbox Party Pack 3,Beat Sports和Riptide GP之类的游戏。


Sure, a little gaming is fun once in a blue moon, but putting your most-used apps front-and-center is a big timesaver. Using your remote, you can rearrange your home screen so your favorite apps are on the top row. Then, when you select an app, say Netflix, shortcuts to Netflix content hover right above; from there, you can readily grab a tile to click and start viewing. If you’re the organizing type, you can also organize apps on the Apple TV with folders (just like other Apple products) and name your folders to keep track of everything.

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提交此内容:辉煌。将您的背景切换到较暗的设置,然后选择轻型背景以使海报和图标弹出。如果您愿意,还可以选择Apple TV的“ Dark Mode”选项。您所需要的只是爆米花,您几乎会觉得自己正在看电影。说到这,别忘了您可以将iOS或Mac设备的内容直接流式传输到您喜欢的电视上,从而将您的家庭电影立即放在大屏幕上。


Ah, the dreaded onscreen keyboard. It's so clunky to use, sometimes it feels like HBO will just go ahead and disable our account before we get the password right. Instead, try this: When you find yourself in any search field, hold down the Siri button to dictate words or letters. Bye-bye, clunky thumb problems! You can also use your iPhone keyboard by downloading theApple TV Remote应用程序, and enter text into there whenever you want.

使用Siri Remote,您可以使用声音查看内容。

使用Siri Remote,您可以使用声音查看内容。

8. Upgrade your screensaver

我发誓我们认识的每个人都使用相同的Apple TV背景。要切换它,请转到“设置”,然后转到“一般”,然后转到“屏幕保护程序”,在那里您可以从Apple的库中选择惊人的照片,或从iCloud Collection中选择自己的照片。如果您真的想沿着记忆巷道漫步,请通过照片应用程序观看“记忆电影”,毫不费力地进行自己的活动和值得婚礼的蒙太奇;您甚至可以将其设置为音乐,并更改长度和内容以使其自己。


Yep, you can order a pizza from your Apple TV. Because who doesn’t love love movie night and pizza? Or pizza...and anything, really. If you customize your pizza fromPapa John’s使用Apple TV,您将获得25%的订单折扣。分数!

10. Group Tinder. Let me repeat: Group Tinder

即使您被拍摄,您也知道您喜欢窃取朋友的应用程序,并在他或她的比赛中扫过自己的方式。现在,您可以将这种最喜欢的欢乐时光消遣转变为集体冒险。下载Tinder应用程序对于Apple TV(是的,真的)并开始刷卡。

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