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People are obsessed with the $150 Big Blanket—here's why

I am wearing the Big Blanket right now

Big Blanket 信用:大毯子

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我必须承认:当我第一次听说大毯子,我非常怀疑。这正是听起来的样子 - 一条非常大的毯子,但是,它在Instagram和一大批忠实的追随者上都有崇拜的追随者,他们在其网站上给予了几乎完美的5星级评级。

If you love curling into big blankets, it sounds like a no-brainer—but at $150, the Big Blanket is more expensive than many other blankets on the market. The founders claim it’s larger than any other blanket you’ll find (it comes in at a whopping 10’ by 10’), and that the price tag is justified by the blanket’s high-quality material.

So is it worth it?

用大毯子住了整整一年之后,几乎每天在寒冷的月份使用它,在沙发上休息,睡觉和建造毯子堡垒,我可以说我现在是大毯子崇拜的骄傲成员, 和even though my husband tore a muscle climbing out of it on day one, he’s incredibly excited for me to write my review and “spread the word about the Big Blanket.”

What is the Big Blanket?

Big Blanket
学分:审核 /凯特·埃尔斯沃思(Kate Ellsworth)


大毯子是由10英寸乘10英寸的毯子,由可口的柔软优质面料制成。它是95%的聚酯纤维和5%的氨纶,所以它很有弹性 - 但是说实话,用这么大的毯子,您很少需要拉伸它。没有“关于”页面Big Blanket website, but you can read all about how the blanket was made and在Kickstarter上资助,它的根源。

本质上,四名男子 - 一个现任的NBA球员 - 一起说:“为什么毛毯这么小?让我们做一个巨大的。”他们提出了一项商业计划,游览世界以找到最好的材料,最终制作了一个非常舒适的毯子。它有三种样式:

  • 原始拉伸:这是我测试。它成本$150 and is magical. It’s stretchy and warm, and soft to the touch. This blanket comes in 11 colors and patterns to choose from.
  • Premium Woven:我们没有测试此毯子,但尺寸相同(10'x 10'),售价199美元。它是由100%丙烯酸制成的,对于那些喜欢编织面料的感觉的人来说是一个不错的选择。它有八种颜色和图案。
  • Premier Plush:Big Blanket unveiled the Premier Plush in 2020. It's a 10' by 10' microfiber blanket that comes in five colors. It sells for $199—same price as the woven option.
  • XL加权:加权毯子风扇欢喜 - 您可以以300美元的价格获得由100%聚酯纤维制成的大毯子的加权版本。它的重量高达30磅,以10'x 8'出现。


Big Blanket

You can fit multiple people on the Big Blanket.

我认为自己是一个毯子爱好者 - 我是一位矮个子女士(5'2”),所以我通常可以以标准的投掷方式包裹我的整个身体,大约是4英寸乘5英寸。当我把手放在大毯子上并意识到我会被它吞噬时,我知道那是爱。我喜欢用毯子用墨西哥卷饼,因此,如果您像我一样,可以将整个身体包裹在毯子中三遍的事实足以使您成为现场。


学分:审核 /凯特·埃尔斯沃思(Kate Ellsworth)



Big Blanket size
学分:大毯子 /评论 /凯特·埃尔斯沃思(Kate Ellsworth)


对于许多人来说,您可以得到大量加权毯子的事实也是一个巨大的吸引力。Our favorite weighted blanketThe Gravity Blanket, which weighs between 15 and 25 pounds and measures 6’ by 4’. TheBig Blanket’s XL Weighted是30 pounds and 10’ by 8’. We tested this blanket andweren't too crazy about it, but if you’re a tall person who wants a weighted blanket, but hasn’t yet found a version that will cover your toes, this could be a great blanket to own.

What I love about the Big Blanket

学分:审核 /凯特·埃尔斯沃思(Kate Ellsworth)

大毯子是an incredible pet blanket.




我有两只猫 - 两人姐妹,他们立即戴着大毯子。自从我得到的那一天以来,他们就一直躺在上面,睡在上面,并揉捏它,您几乎不能告诉他们他们已经触摸了它。有几条流浪的头发,但没有任何脱颖而出的头发 - 与我拥有的许多其他涂有黑色头发并被宽松的绳子覆盖的其他毯子不同,它们的爪子上的爪子上有零痕迹。在揉捏期间。




这是多功能的。我们将大毯子用作床罩,沙发毯子和地板毯子,而对于这三个人来说,这真是太神奇了。作为一名床罩,起初似乎很冷,但是当我们安顿下来时,它使我们整夜保持温暖和舒适。对于沙发会议,毯子很棒 - 我们都舒适地适合它,并且在单独使用时也一样贴合。在地板上,它并没有神奇地使我的硬木地板足以放松,但它覆盖了宽阔的表面,可以制造出室内野餐或娱乐时间毯子。

I didn’t get a chance to test it outside (it’s November in New England), but many of the pictures on the Big Blanket site show people enjoying the blanket outdoors. Based on its sheer size and amazing indoor performance, I’d imagine this blanket would be a great addition to any outdoor adventure, whether you’re picnicking or camping.

What I don’t love about the Big Blanket

Big Blanket tag
学分:审核 /凯特·埃尔斯沃思(Kate Ellsworth)

Will you be surprised when I tell you this blanket can feel too big?

Nothing is perfect, and as passionate as I am about the Big Blanket, there are a few things I don’t love about it.

It’s too big for our bed:We own a queen-sized bed, and though my husband hates when his feet poke out of blankets, the Big Blanket was a touch too large for our mattress. It hung over all the sides and didn’t easily tuck under the mattress, so we were literally dwarfed under the blanket. And, as I mentioned, my husband tore a muscle freeing himself from the Big Blanket on the first morning. He ended up being fine (and falling in love with the blanket), but it was definitely the first mark against it in my book.


I have genuinely lost things in it:标签开玩笑地说:“您可能会迷失在这条毯子里,”但老实说,它声称自己是我的几个物体。我们最终找到了它们,但是大毯子索取了两支笔,一根针织针,一条餐巾和我丈夫的骄傲。

它有一些微小的美学缺点:在毯子的中间,有一个很大的接缝连接了两半 - 这是我第一次打开毯子时注意到的,但是在花了很多时间在毯子上的时间之后,我很快就忘记了一些东西。由于我经常curl缩,所以我看不到或感觉到接缝,所以这对我来说并不是真正的错,但是这是审稿人在网站上召集的东西。这也是大毯子团队希望在不久的将来解决的问题。

My husband’s least favorite thing is the tag—in the bottom corner of the blanket there is a big yellow patch that shows a “B.” He says it’s crunchy, but it’s honestly another fault I never noticed. This blanket is so large that I just spent a full minute combing through it to find the tag he was mentioning, so the fact that I had never felt it before shows that it’s not something that alters my opinion of the blanket.


Echo on blanket
学分:审核 /凯特·埃尔斯沃思(Kate Ellsworth)

Echo and I fully recommend the Big Blanket.


That’s right, the same morning my husband pulled a muscle, I bought my own Big Blanket. It took less than 12 hours to convince me I needed it. And if you’re still on the fence and want to try it out yourself, you can—the Big Blanket comes witha 30-day guarantee, so if you buy it, try it, and decide it’s not quite right, you can easily return it.

我还建议在社交媒体上关注大毯子,特别是InstagramFacebook。他们在评论和图片中发布了许多促销代码,因此,如果您有兴趣,但不能证明这一费用是合理的,请关注他们何时发布任何新代码。并阅读评论 - Big Blanket非常谨慎,因此有时会在怀疑毯子的伟大性的人的评论中删除代码。


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Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.

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