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高露洁Plaqless Pro和Oral-B io:牙刷需要多么聪明? 学分:口服B /高露洁



Oral-B and Colgate, two household names in oral hygiene, each released state-of-the-art toothbrushes that promise to get your teeth cleaner than a standard brush. They join the ranks of dozens of other "smart brushes" that sport a list of features rivaling some laptops, which of course begs the question, "why?" Aren't we fine with toothbrushes as they already are?

As it turns out, no. But the problem isn't the brush. It's us, and better toothbrushes can address routine mistakes that we make as caretakers of our dental health.

We don't brush very well

令人难过的事实是,大多数人都不已经ry effective brushers. We're lazy, spending less time that we ought to. Even when we do spend enough time, we're frequently using the wrong movement, hitting the wrong spots, and applying the wrong amount of pressure.


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The dentists' plea: Two minutes of brushing, twice per day

In a way, dentists are the chief witnesses to our best intentions falling short of the mark. Of course we mean to floss and brush, avoid excessive sweets, and the rest of the periodontal litany. But we're human.





Oral-B—as well as its primary competitor, Philips Sonicare—makes a wide range of electric brushes, from the basic to the ultra-premium. But there are always greater horizons in the premium market, as evinced by the new Oral-B iO.


A great deal of attention has been paid to the design of this brush. It emphasizes positive feedback and rewards you with little trophies for hitting goals. The inside of the handle is no doubt a model of modern computer engineering, and it features an all-new magnetic drive system to rotate the bristles. It may well be the pinnacle of toothbrush engineering. And it is all a little overwhelming.

Personally, I don’t want to deal with the dental equivalent of a flight simulator at the end of a long day. I've测试了许多智能牙刷在市场上,尽管有技术进步,我的看法并没有改变。因此,如果您选择基于应用程序的牙刷,请理解,尽管这是引人注目的功能,但新颖性可能比您想象的要早。


There are intelligent approaches to a high-tech brush that don't require juggling a smartphone in your other hand. The new Colgate Plaqless Pro, for example, emits a blue light from just under the bristles. The specific wavelength of light excites the porphyrin, a component in the bacteria that causes plaque, causing it glow with natural luminescence. If the bacteria is detected, the barrel of the toothbrush also glows, letting you know to keep brushing in that spot until it's gone. While the Plaqless Pro does connect to a Colgate app, the plaque-detection feature works fine without it, so your brushing routine can be both innovative and pragmatic.


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