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Everything you should know before waxing your body hair

Consider these expert tips before your appointment.

A pair of bare legs and wax dripping from wood swabs. Credit: Reviewed / Getty Images / Alexandra Turkina / LumiNola

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Deciding to wax yourbody hair- 或以任何身份将其删除 - 是个人决定,当然不是必需的。但是,如果您想开枪,因为您想投射剃刀to the side, know that there are steps you can take to make the whole process smoother.

要在安排约会之前找出您应该知道的知识,我们与之交谈Cybele Fishman博士, a board-certified dermatologist with Advanced Dermatology PC in New York City, andPage Buldini,一位美容师和Page Aesthetics护肤的创始人。

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1. Let the professionals handle it

Close up of wood swabs dripping with wax.
学分:审查 /盖蒂图像 / narongrit doungmanee

Thinking of waxing? Best to let a professional handle it.

If you’ve wondered if you can wax your body hair at home, just know that it may not be the best idea to DIY this on the fly. Fishman admits that she doesn’t know all of the ins and outs on how to perform a DIY body wax, but she remains conflicted if it’s even a good idea at all. “Pros are you have control over the cleanliness and you may save money in the long run,” she says. On the other hand, “if you don't follow directions properly, you can burn yourself if you are using hot wax,” Fishman says.


A person waxes a customer's legs.
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Always do your research on a salon ahead of booking your waxing appointment. Fishman emphasizes the importance of finding a spa that is clean, as an unsanitary treatment can result in some serious consequences for your skin down the road. “I have seen many staph infections after waxing, and now, withMRSAso common, it is even more important to pick your place carefully,” she says.

在沙龙搜索时要记住的主要事情要记住:例如,找到一个专门从事打蜡而不是指甲沙龙的地方,例如,可以提供打蜡作为二级服务。菲什曼说:“ [打蜡中心]更有可能拥有特定的卫生协议。”这是我们正在谈论的皮肤健康,因此永远不要急于找到打蜡服务,并在选择蜡像时相信您的直觉。


A person uses cream to alleviate a sunburn.
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It's best to reschedule if you have a sunburn.

使用特定的护肤产品或具有特定的皮肤状况,立即有可能从桌子上打蜡。“如果您在上面,请不要打蜡isotretinoinor within the first month after finishing,” Fishman says. Isotretinoin (a.k.a. Accutane—a controversial acne medication) heightens the skin’s sensitivity and waxing will cause it to tear, she says.

手上的打蜡规则也适用于积极使用护肤品包含酸的产品, such as水杨酸, glycolic acid, and lactic acid as well as topicalretinoids,无论是非处方还是处方。Fishman说,如果您使用其中一种,但热衷于打蜡,请停止在治疗前至少五天打蜡的区域上使用此类产品,尤其是如果您脱下头发在脸上。

由于炎症而受到损害的皮肤也不应打蜡。“这包括sunburnt skin,或具有类似条件的皮肤湿疹or银屑病,” Fishman says.

4. Don’t trim your hair before waxing

A person wearing a turquoise tank top lifts up their underarms to show hair.
学分:审查 /盖蒂图像 / Delmaine Donson

Let your hair grow out before getting a wax treatment.

The main objective of waxing is to get rid of unwanted hair, so there’s no reason to trim it beforehand. In fact, snipping excess hair may lead to poor results. “If the hair is too short, it won't fully remove,” Buldini says. “Longer is always better, so don't trim beforehand.” Furthermore, it’s best to let the hair grow out four to six weeks prior to seeking a waxing treatment.

5. Avoid spray tans and exercising

A person wearing a maroon activewear set smiles and has their hand on their hip.
学分:审查 /盖蒂图像 / JLCO-朱莉娅·阿马拉尔(Julia Amaral)

Lay low on certain activities, like exercising, before a wax appointment.


与此同时,她建议给予锻炼休息t a minimum of 24 hours after a wax, as wearing fitted clothing and physical activity “could cause friction—which would also be unpleasant for freshly waxed skin.”

6. Wear loose-fitting clothing to your appointment

Two people wear comfortable sweat suits.
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蜡后您需要舒适,并且穿着紧身的衣服可能会在蜡的区域摩擦并引起刺激。因此,请确保穿宽松的衣服,例如超大的T恤,飘逸的裙子或放松的裤子 - 在打蜡的约会上。如果您打算打蜡比基尼区域,前进突击队也不是一个坏主意。


A pack of Cortizone and a bottle of lotion.
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Cut down the itchiness with hydrating body lotion.

您的皮肤可能会是蜡后嫩的,但是有一些方法可以缓解疼痛。Buldini说,如果您遇到“较小的肿胀或瘙痒”,请在皮肤上涂上氢化可的松身体乳液或身体油。”注:如果你的比基尼蜡area, only apply products on the perimeter to avoid any product migrating into more sensitive areas.

对于一些蜡后的刺激缓解,请考虑到达Cortizone 10最大强度1%氢化可的松抗INC霜,这是一种舒缓炎症和发红的药房修复。为了确保您的皮肤获得所需的水分,请尝试不用审查的lubriderm每日水分乳液香水,这获得了我们最佳的整体景点,因为它能够吸收皮肤而无需丸剂或闩锁干燥的斑块。


A person relaxes in a jacuzzi.
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It's important to unwind but don't swim in a pool or soak in a hot tub until 24 hours has passed after a wax.

Buldini说,正如鼓励不要锻炼和喷擦前蜡一样,您也应该在蜡后24小时的游泳,晒日光浴和性(用于比基尼区域的蜡)等活动中停下来。It’s also wise to avoid soaking in a hot tub for a few days after a wax, according to Fishman, who says, “You will be more prone to [a skin infection called] hot-tub folliculitis caused by [water-borne] pseudomonas bacteria those days.”

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