


靠在轮椅上的人倾向于在地面上橙色的花朵。 Credit: Getty Images / Rawpixel


Once I started using a wheelchair part time, I thought my gardening days were over. I can’t squat or bend down comfortably, and as my disabilities progressed my gardening enjoyment steadily decreased. I realized that if I was going to continue gardening, I’d have to change how I do things.

我放下一层纸板,以防止轮椅轮毂变得泥泞,并开始研究可访问的凸起的花园床。我买了一个Keter Easy Grow 31.7加仑高架花园床因为亚马逊会将其运到我的家,并且有很棒的评论。现在,我可以滚入花园里坐下来,而不必压力或对我的身体造成伤害。在过去的四年中,我种植了各种植物:胡萝卜,巨型莳萝,灌木丛和藤豆,鼠尾草,nasturtiums,番茄,生菜,万寿菊等。我种植的一切都在床上做得很好。

科特花园床让我种植蔬菜s without having to bend down, and that makes it great for wheelchair users and people with mobility issues who would benefit from gardening from a seated position.

What I like

It’s self-watering


An amazing feature on these raised garden beds that makes them more inclusive is the self watering design. This is perfect for those who can't travel outside daily to tend to their plants.


The Keter has a reservoir that holds water and a plug to drain any excess. The self-watering design holds just the right amount of water, allowing the roots to tap into the stored water as needed while draining any excess and ensuring that the roots don’t get soggy. There’s also a water gauge that tells you when you need to add more. Here in Hawai’i, where it rains a lot and we have very wet winters, I leave the stopper open and just water the plants daily when I’m watering everything else in the yard. I learned this the hard way when I’d left the plug closed on one, and tropical storm rains drowned the worms and plants. Its self-watering reservoir and drainage plug are handy for the new weather uncertainty that many of us are experiencing due to climate change.

It’s lightweight but still large enough for square-foot gardening

在左侧,凯特(Keter)轻松成长的高架花园床在房子前休息。在右边,使用花园工具的手倾向于在Keter Easy Grow高架花园床中呈黄色胡椒植物。

Keter Easy Grow高高的花园床为您的植物提供了理想的环境,并生产繁殖和生长。

I found the planter to be very easy to put together. The only tool needed is a Phillips head screwdriver or electric drill to attach the legs to the body, and at 18.5 pounds when empty, it’s very lightweight and easy to move and store. The bed can hold 31.7 gallons or roughly 100 dry quarts (two large bags) of potting soil. I needed my husband’s help to fill the planters, but once the heavy stuff was out of the way, I’ve had no trouble managing it on my own in my chair. I’ve noticed a reduction in grubs and other wee nasties compared to in-ground beds, and unless a bird drops a volunteer seed, I don’t have to weed at all.

The bed is deep enough to grow larger container plants like cherry tomatoes and root veggies like carrots. If you’re a square-foot gardener, this is the bed for you—narrow enough that you can reach the stuff in the middle, even in a wheelchair, and long enough that you can get several squares in each row.


在左侧,布朗·凯特(Brown Keter)易于生长的高架花园床,里面装满了植物和蔬菜。右侧,石墨彩色的凯特(Keter)易于生长的高架花园床,里面装满了植物和蔬菜。

These sleek and durable raised garden beds can be incorporated into any space with ease.

凸起的床由聚丙烯树脂制成,有两种不同的颜色 - 棕色和石墨(灰色)。它很时尚,腿部略微优雅。它具有藤状图案,并与Keter系列中的其他户外家具和存储产品匹配。除了造成割草机对腿的损坏,以及在分娩过程中发生的裂缝外,我的床床看起来仍然非常适合他们的年龄。重型材料很坚固,可以很好地体现出海洋的热量,湿度和腐蚀性的盐空气(我住在海滩旁边)。我的全年都在夏威夷强烈的阳光下,四年后,仍然没有明显的褪色。

What I don’t like


Size, accessibility, and price are a few pain points that come along with the Keter Easy Grow Raised Garden Bed.

There are a few minor drawbacks to the bed. The water gauge is pretty flimsy, and the tube that holds the indicator tends to fill up with dirt, rendering it useless. Since it doesn’t have wheels, once it’s full it’s not moving anywhere. It is relatively expensive. I’ve seen it on sale occasionally, but otherwise, it hovers around $100. Not too bad if you only want one, but if you’re looking to create an accessible garden that grows enough to feed you or a family, you’ll need a few, and they add up quickly. Finally, due to the depth of the bed, you can’t roll a wheelchair under it like with a table-style raised bed, though it’s narrow enough that I don’t have any issues reaching across to the other side.


学分:Getty Images / SDI Productions

This inclusive gardening product will help you to get in touch with your green thumb.


以99.98美元的价格获得亚马逊的Keter Easy Grow高架花园床

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