Health & Fitness

Feel strong and steady on your feet with these simple training tips


一个男人蹲在酒吧球的圆形侧面。 信用:Getty Images / Dusanpetkovic


根据您的年龄和活动水平,您可能不会考虑自己的平衡。也许您会注意到在瑜伽中的树姿势期间偶尔会摇摆,或者您开始​​比以前的脚步稳定。事实上,balance diminishes as people age,即使在出现任何问题之前,锻炼稳定也很重要。平衡训练会在下半身和核心方面发挥力量,将有助于使您保持稳定的脚步,并可以帮助您避免受伤。


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图片来源:Getty Images /StígurMárKarlsson / Heimsmyndir

Balance training has many benefits for people of all ages.

Balance training focuses on maintaining control of your center of gravity and improving your stability on your feet. It often involves exercising to strengthen your legs and core, as these are the main muscle groups that keep you upright while sitting, standing, or moving. Exercises can range from standing on one leg for a few moments to navigating full-blown obstacle courses designed to challenge your reflexes and keep you on your toes (possibly literally).

There are two types of balance you can work on. Simpler standing exercises can help improve your "static" balance, or your stability while holding still. Exercises where you must maintain your balance as you move, like sidestepping orgrapevining,,,,develop your“动态”平衡and can improve your overall coordination.


A woman in a lunge position.
图片来源:Getty Images / Laylabird


Balance naturally diminishes over the years, with an从50岁左右开始跌倒的风险增加。And while you’re more likely to fall as you get older, injuries don’t discriminate by age. Balance training at any age can keep you safer from taking a nasty tumble as well as set you up for better stability in your later years. “Improving balance can enhance overall coordination and body control which helps to reduce the risk of injury from a fall or making a sudden change of direction,” McCall says.



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Everyone can benefit from balance training.

“老实说,每个人,”McCall说。“老年人can reduce the risk of falls—which is critical for enhancing the overall quality of life and extending the life span. Athletes can improve their skills with balance specific drills during a warm-up or between sets. Working on balance helps improve overall body awareness and control.”



Three women performing yoga in a park.
图片来源:Getty Images / Recep-BG


Older adults shouldbalance-trainat least three days a week, according to the American Heart Association. Anyone else should aim to do one or two balance-focused exercises every time you work out, or at least once or twice a week if you’re not as consistent with your fitness (assuming no underlying conditions that affect balance).

This doesn’t mean you have to dedicate a half-hour to standing like a flamingo. Many exercises that are great for改善平衡还可以提高您的力量,灵活性或耐力。瑜伽,,,,for example, improves strength, flexibility,andbalance.

麦考尔建议进行练习step-upsorlungesinto your dynamic warm-up. “Balance exercises help wake up the nervous system and prepare it for the workout,” he says.


信用:Getty Images / Dusanpetkovic

You don't need much time to see the benefits of balance training.

有四个主要运动类型—strength, endurance,flexibility,平衡。尽管力量耐力(您可能会称为有氧运动)引起了很多关注,因为他们的利益较少,较少的类别可能会落在路上。但是,重要的是要融合各种锻炼,以实现全面的活跃生活方式。新万博赞助英超


Once you feel comfortable on one leg, you can include some movement to work on your dynamic balance. Many movements, like lunges orbanded side steps带有循环resistance band,可以在家中完成。

您也可以在一条腿上站立,而在您的日​​常活动中进行其他练习,例如bicep curlsor肩部按。麦考尔说,这将需要您的核心肌肉开始以保持稳定,并提高您的核心力量。

您还可以使您的表面锻炼在较低的稳定性上,以挑战您的平衡。站在一个squishy mat例如,甚至折叠的毛巾都会使您的核心和臀部中的较小肌肉保持直立。如果您真的想提高平衡技能,请考虑使用一些额外的摆动设备,例如BOSU ball。These dome-shaped pieces of exercise equipment can be used flat or rounded side down—the former will be easier, the latter more difficult—to work on your balance. You can use theBOSU ballfor toe taps, lunges, step-ups, and more.

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