
Fitbit Premium会帮助您锻炼身体吗?


检查健身跟踪器的女人 荣誉:Getty Images / Youngoldman


对于大多数人来说,购买一个Fitbit.是一种在某种程度上改善健康的投资 - 也许通过走路更多,击中健身房,睡觉更多,或以上所有的组合。该设备充满了众所周心的传感器,可记录手腕的活动,包括在一天中拍摄的步骤,在高架的心脏区域花费的时间,晚上睡觉。从那里,你可以设定目标走路更多,汗水更多,早点睡觉,看看你的努力,因为你的Fitbit记录了他们。对于一些人来说,这已经足够了。但对于别人来说,硬件及其激励措施可能只会迄今为止没有额外的指导。那就是在哪里Fitbit溢价进来,一个额外的订阅服务,承诺帮助您充分利用锻炼计划,甚至更深入的健身和睡眠分析。

我尝试了fitbit premiumFitbit Sense.几周。As Reviewed’s health and fitness editor, my main goal was to evaluate its exercise programming (Reviewed’s sleep writer, Lindsey Vickers, is taking a separate look at its sleep and meditation features in a forthcoming review.) Here’s what you should know about Fitbit Premium from the fitness perspective.




Fitbit Premium是一项付费服务​​,可通过编程为免费的Fitbit应用程序加以增强您的设备的体验。它还提供了更深入的潜水进入健身数据,即Fitbit的传感器记录,提供额外的洞察日常活动的质量。根据Fitbit,这些功能可以帮助用户保持活跃,睡眠更万搏体育官网网址好,比单独使用Fitbit更有效地管理压力。它每月耗费9.99美元或每年79.99美元,并且可以使用任何Fitbit,尽管与其中一个SmartWatches,感觉或万搏体育官网网址versa 3.,它包含用于捕获体温和体温的额外传感器血氧波动

Fitbit Premium如何工作?

当您获得新的Fitbit时,它会提示您在设置期间注册免费的高级审判 - 许多新的Fitbits Tout一个三个月的免费试用,但我的公司借助的意识给了我六个月的试验(慷慨!)。如果您已经拥有FitBit并且从未尝试过溢价,您也可以注册为期三个月的免费试用版。Fitbit Premium提供了几个功能,您将只是单独使用万搏体育官网网址Fitbit,但我的优先事项将注意其健康和健身规划,主要由锻炼视频和锻炼计划组成。

最多锻炼应用程序,锻炼计划和视频或多或少可互换,因为大多数计划由现有的锻炼视频组成。但Fitbit Premium在两者之间具有非常明确的区别。其计划在Fitbit内在内部生产,并要求下载单独的应用程序,Fitbit Coach.,访问。(More on that in a bit.) The workout videos live in a tab on the regular Fitbit app, are designed to be used on a whim rather than in a sequence, and come from a wide range of fitness platforms you’ve probably heard of—Daily Burn,拜中,popsugar,barre3和physique57-以及一些合适的含量。

除了健身规划外,您的会员资格还允许您在使用30天后请求保健报告。健康报告为您每月回顾您休息心率,活动(包括所采取的步骤以及您在某种心率区域花费多少时间)和平均睡眠时间。如果您手动录制重量或将应用程序配对,您也可以看到您的体重趋势Fitbit Smart Scale.如果您自己跟踪应用程序,则为您的月经周期。我得到了一个健康的报道,并认为数据很酷,但对我来说并不多多新颖。然而,它可以对一些健康状况的人来说非常有用,并提供额外的文档来与医生讨论。



Fitbit Premium在家提供一堆锻炼计划。

在Premium Tab中,Fitbit指导您尝试引导计划。这些占用了四类:“睡得更好,”在家庭训练中,“吃健康,”和“移动更多”。They’re all what they sound like—“Sleep Better” has programs to promote better rest, “At-Home Training” is mostly made up of simple bodyweight programs,“Eat Healthy” has programs to kick sugar and salt habits and learn about calories, and “Move More” has classes on running and general healthy movement-based habits.

您可以查看Fitbit应用程序中的所有标题,但在访问程序内容之前,您必须下载另一个应用程序Fitbit Coach。Fitbit Coach是一个免费的应用程序,有一些内容为每个人提供免费,但大多数内容,只有高级成员可以访问。这包括访问跑步机,体重和划船训练,加上户外散步和跑步。至于15-Plus锻炼计划,大多数似乎针对初学者的标题包括三周的“推送准备”,一个为期三周的“初学者运行”,并为期三周的“HIIT”系列。




Here’s what I didn’t love: Once you start a program, if you miss one of your week’s workouts—say, you go away for a vacation and don’t do your prescribed set—it moves right on to the next week and doesn’t let you return to the workouts you missed. It also didn’t always give me “credit” for finishing each workout that I did. My activity would get recorded in Fitbit, but it didn’t show up in the program tracker. This isn’t a huge deal (一世知道我做了对屁股的作品,这就是那么重要),但有一个Fitbit的一部分是收到其动画奖励和徽章Alllll.事情,所以这是一个想念这个的东西。



Fitbit Premium提供广泛的锻炼视频,但它们并未均匀地组织。

Fitbit Premium的锻炼视频与您在任何其他锻炼应用程序中的发现不同,除了视频都来自不同的品牌。一些高级锻炼视频来自Fitbit,但它们以典型的锻炼视频格式拍摄,而不是Fitbit Coach类的幻灯片格式。除此之外,锻炼来自每日烧伤,Popsugar,Barre3,Obé和体质57。可用锻炼的数量在品牌之间变化,但每个人都似乎至少有五个视频。这是一个很酷的方式来熟悉不同的流行品牌,视频包括一个很好的锻炼 - 力量,高利兹,瑜伽,巴雷,有氧等。Premium还提供了一些音频锻炼,包括运行,慢跑,走路和步行冥想。



一些Fitbit Premium视频直接引用Fitbits,其他人没有。

课程也没有由品牌组织。一世nstead, they’re sorted into categories such as “Under 15 Minutes” (all short workouts, including ab classes and express kickboxing), “Get Your Heart Pumping” (all kinds of cardio, from dance to tabata), and an entire section devoted to content from influencer Ayesha Curry, who has a Premium-exclusive series that includes quick workouts and healthy recipes (which look great to my quick glance, but I thought it a little weird to find them in the workout video section). The videos often crop up in more than one category, which is fine, but can sometimes make it feel like you have more options than you really do (I'd say there are currently about 100 total). The app also doesn’t mark the videos as completed when you finish them, which makes the chances of accidentally retaking a class pretty high, unless you have a photographic memory (I don't). Finally, some of the sections are pretty sparse. The “Get Your Heart Pumping” section has a decent selection, with 26 videos, but the “Yoga and Stretching” category only has eight workouts. I also couldn’t tell how often new workouts get added, so I wondered how quickly I would run out of available videos.


信用:审核/贝西Goldwasser / Christian de Cuper

Apple Watch的健身规划比Fitbit的健身规划更直观。

我对Fitbit Premium健身规划的主要比较是我最近的经验Apple Fitness +.,Apple与...连接的锻炼应用程序苹果手表。当我尝试了健身+时,我最喜欢的东西是应用程序和可穿戴的无缝集成 - 当您在应用程序上启动锻炼时,Apple Watch会自动开始录制它,并在屏幕上显示您的统计信息you’re streaming your workout. Fitbit Premium doesn’t do anything like this. It automatically records your efforts from the Coach workouts, but you must choose to log the video workouts (a pop-up notification comes up once you’ve finished the workout and asks if you want to record it). It also doesn’t display anything on the watch when you’re working out, and you must check out your activity tab after you’re done to see how many calories you burned (a rough estimate, of course, but something I could see at a glance on the Apple Watch). If you want to see real-time stats on your wrist, you can start a workout manually from the menu on your Fitbit when you press play on the app—by doing this, the workout will show up in your activity log twice, but you get the same amount of “credit” in your day for the session either way.

对于我来说,也没有足够的结构来希望Fitbit溢价成为我的主要锻炼应用程序。Fitbit Coach和Fitbit Premium之间的差距不可克服,但如果我没有遵循一个计划,我仍然很少想使用教练来提取锻炼演示。我更了解通过主Fitbit应用程序可用的视频锻炼,但缺乏结构和奇怪的组织并没有让它感到可持续。


Fitbit Premium值得吗?


Fitbit Premium可能无法摇滚你的健身世界,但它可以让你移动更多。

从我的角度来看,Fitbit Premium适合Fitbit的普遍存在raison d'être.- 即使它不会彻底改变它,激励用户保持活动状态。如果您已经遵循您喜欢的健身计划,请使用Fitbit使用它将使您更好地切换到Fitbit Premium。

但是,如果你现在没有太多锻炼,而且你已经拥有了一个契约,或者正在考虑获得一个,您感觉漂泊在众多可用的锻炼计划中,溢价值得一试。额外的资源本身并不像大多数人生活在Fitbit App上的事实那么重要,这使得更容易记住实际​​使用它们。

这与其额外的睡眠功能相结合,应该使Fitbit Premium为任何了解他们想要在万搏体育官网网址某种方式上锻炼整体健康但不太确定在哪里开始。But you don’t just have to take my word for it—if you already have a Fitbit, you can get a three-month free trial, and if you’re buying a new Fitbit, you’ll be able to access up to six months of the app for free. If it makes sense to keep in your life after that much time, Fitbit Premium is for you.

在这里注册Fitbit Premium试验


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