

We wanted to know if the claim holds water.

在用白色床单制成的床上睡觉的人 信用:Getty Images / Peopleimages


Falling asleep after a stressful day can feel next to impossible. It can be extra challenging if there are additional sounds—like traffic or barking dogs—that are keeping you awake.


So, we got to wondering: Does this trick really work—and if so, why?


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雨声声音可以在您的环境中掩盖其他尖锐的噪音。Orfeu Buxton,,,,director of the Sleep, Health & Society Collaboratory at Penn State. (Buxton has received grants from Proactive Life LLC, which produces a smartphone white noise app.)

“Think of a dripping faucet in the other room—in utter silence it might be a water torture treatment,” Buxton says. “With a masking background of… wind in the leaves, gentle rain outside, or medium distant surf playing on a loop on a speaker, the drip would never be detected.”

Rain sounds can create a soothing background noise, agrees托德·阿尼特(Todd Arnedt),密歇根大学行为睡眠医学计划主任。

Rain noises might literally hit the right frequencies

A sound machine on a table
Credit: Reviewed / Jess Rose Photography



考虑雨声pink noise与典型的白噪声相比,其特征在于低频的声音和高频的柔和声音。粉红色的噪音很常见biosystems,意味着动物naturally produce pink noiseas part of their internal functioning. Heartbeats, for example, are another type of pink noise.

Some research suggests that pink noise in particular can improve sleep in healthy individuals. “There is limited data that pink noise might... enhance slow waves during sleep, at least in healthy individuals,” Arnedt says.

Slow waves are associated withdeep sleep,,,,the part of the sleep cycle when the brain is less responsive to outside stimuli. Arendt says it “is an important stage of sleep for sustaining brain and body health.”

A 2017 study on older adults found that listening to pulses of pink noise during slow wave activityimproved sleep-related memory。其他研究人员发现稳定粉红色的噪音会引起更稳定的睡眠and improve sleep quality. The authors claim that listening to pink noise synchronizes brain waves to improve sleep stability.

While pink noise may prove useful to some troubled sleepers, Arendt cautions that this may not be the case for everyone. “I am not aware that its benefit has been tested in people with insomnia,” he says.


Research suggests that nature has a calming effect

A candle rests on a ledge near a window with raindrops
图片:Getty Images / Baramyou0708


In addition to helping people doze off, rain sounds can be straight-up relaxing. This may be attributable to the fact that they’re a natural sound—evidence points to psychological benefits, including提高认知能力andreducing anxiety and stress(the latter research was on patients undergoing surgery).

人们接触nature sounds在2017年的一项研究中有一个增加交感response, meaning that the calming part of their nervous system was activated by these tracks, whereas those who listened to artificial sounds didn’t experience the same effect.

Should you try rain sounds?

Google Nest Hub on bedside table
Credit: Google

一些设备(例如Google Nest Hub)提供自然配乐,包括雨噪声。



If you want to see whether rain sounds can improve your sleep, there are a number of ways to get started.

  • You can listen to rain sounds for free online onYouTubeor through平静,通过Apple Music和Spotify在台式机或移动设备上提供的网站。
  • 如果您仍然使用CD播放器,则有磁盘专用于声音,就像平静的雨这是由音乐治疗师创建的。对于那些不希望计算机或电话成为他们的一部分的人来说,这可能是一个不错的选择nightly routine
  • 这re are also apps that curate a selection of rain noises includingRain Rain Sleep Soundsand雨听起来总部。Some meditation apps like顶空offer nature sounds including rain.
  • 我们最喜欢的一些闹钟和床头设备还带有内置的白色和粉红色噪音。这Google Nest Hub,,,,for example, has a number of tracks that can help you wind down.
  • 对于那些对声音敏感的床伴侣的人Bose Sleep Buds提供入耳式噪音掩盖 - 尽管可能需要一些时间才能适应佩戴它们。

我们中的许多人都在寻求更好的睡眠。有时,这需要纪律,就像在床上醒来时坚持一定的时间表。有时候更好的睡眠可能需要金钱,例如购买床垫with adequate support. Listening to rain sounds or another type of soothing pink noise is pretty low commitment and low cost. It might be worth a shot for catching better zzz's.

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