


小吃公司窃窃私语的奇瓦瓦及其奶酪雕刻的拼贴画。 学分:审查 /塔拉·雅各比 /凯文·科尔特斯


Lots of people who love their pets want to memorialize Spot and Fluffy in ways that are long-lasting and timeless, like anoil painting或专业照片。另一方面,我决定通过更短暂而美味的媒介捕捉我的幼犬来庆祝这个假期。这就是我本周发现自己的方式,将三磅包装的切达干酪交付到我的奇瓦瓦(Chihuahua)的形状中。

如果您像我一样,您会在这里思考两个想法:首先,到底是什么?其次,我该如何参与其中?在短时间内Whisps这是一个以包装奶酪薯片而闻名的品牌,现在提供宠物,人类和物体的“肖像”(我们其余的人称为“雕塑”)的品牌 - 从霓虹橙奶酪的一块中雕刻出来。因为我们相信测试最好的宠物,所以我们想看看它是如何工作的。


What’s this about Whisps’ cheese carvings?

An illustration showing a squinty Chihuahua named Cash sitting next to his cheddar cheese-made clone.
学分:审查 /塔拉·雅各比 /凯文·科尔特斯

Whisps' limited-edition pet cheese carvings are a fun novelty gift.

As part of a holiday promotion, the company is offering定制切达干酪肖像直到12月6日,或“供应持续”。(因为显然,一家制作奶酪饼干的公司可能会在年底之前用尽其主要成分吗?pet,,,,item, 或者人类and shell out $200 to receive a carved 3D portrait measuring approximately 6¾ inches by 2 inches by 2½ inches and weighing between 3 and 4 pounds. Expedited shipping is required so that it won’t melt in transit, at the cost of an additional $60.

对于那些不想要自定义肖像但仍在市场上的奶酪雕刻的人来说,耳语还可以出售三个稍小的物体:stack of dollar bills,,,,acheese grater,a翻转电话,,,,weighing in at about 2 pounds for about $50 apiece. In any case, each carving, crafted by self-proclaimed"cheese lady" Sarah Kaufmann,,,,will be delivered in two weeks’ time, while the cheddar cheese stays fresh for just as long after arrival.


Credit: Reviewed / Kevin Cortez

Cash's orange-tinted twin is three pounds of cheddar cheese.

这听起来很糟糕,但我保证这是好的:奶酪现金看起来与图形的内容警告不同 - 胚胎或胎儿猪。或者可能就像我缩减了奇瓦瓦的形象下降了20%,我忘了在达到正常状态之前选择“比例”。全方位的效果略微恐怖,鼻子过多,皱纹过多和深眼睑。

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But Ilove他。

My cheese pal has a charm that I can’t get over, and it wholly stems from its unusualness along with my awful photography skills that got him this appearance in the first place. Customers can only upload a single photo for Kaufmann to use as inspiration for her portrait. Before placing my order, I ran out to my driveway with Cash and made him sit down for a dozen photos. The best photo I took is the result you see here in cheese form: Cash, sitting down in my driveway, ears peeled back in submission but also confusion because he didn’t understand why I was making him stay still for so long.

This is to say that actual Cash looks nothing like Cheese Cash, but everything like the photo I provided of him sitting in my driveway. They’re both squinting in the sunshine, right ears pointed backward, and sitting sorta lopsided to the left. They’re both crying for some sort of stimulation or reward after being told to sit still for less than 60 seconds. The photo I provided was, admittedly, a bad one. But that poor shadowing and posture resulted in this pudgy mess that I’m deeply satisfied with, all because of its odd magnetism. This is a novelty gift, made for my girlfriend and I, based on a terrible photo I took of our dog. And it’smade out of cheddar cheese

忠于它的gimmicky性质,几个小时内就消失了。从第二个奶酪现金从他的塑料和箔包装拆开到将照片上传到社交媒体的最后一刻,这是一场爆炸,这是一件三磅重的一件。fromagearound the house. But after three hours of laughing and periodically washing our hands to rid them of that cloying, fermented dairy odor, my girlfriend and I were stumped as to what else to do with him.

So, what does one do next with a three-pound cheese cheddar portrait of their favorite pet? Eat it, of course. That same night, we sliced pieces of Cheese Cash’s torso to try a nibble of his body. And it tastes fine—as unassuming as orange cheddar usually is. We plan to炉子Cheese Cash into our scrambled eggs for breakfast and take more chunks off his body for crackers and snacks. This will be an ongoing process over the next couple weeks, until the inevitable day that we use the rest of his crumbling build to melt into a grilled cheese sandwich and finally say farewell to our cheesy totem.


A Chihuahua named Cash sitting next to his cheese sculpture.
Credit: Reviewed / Kevin Cortez


对我来说,答案is a $200 cheddar cheese portrait worth it?is simple: No, it’s not. I had the luxury of my employer covering the bill for this pricey portrait, but if I didn’t, I personally wouldn’t spend $260 for anything so frivolous. My cap is $100 on novelty gifts and I’m far from the biggest cheddar fan. (Gouda? That’s a different story...)


Get a Custom-Made Cheese Carving Pet Portrait from Whisps for $200

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