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Should you change your sleep position?

互联网让我认为我应该丢下肚子睡觉 - 但这并不是那么简单。

一个人用双臂睡在肚子上,到白色床上用品 Credit: Getty Images / PeopleImages

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Sleep position is a hot topic in the realm of snoozing. It's easy enough to find information on the最好的床垫或者枕头you can buy, but sorting out your ideal sleep position is another challenge entirely. You may have come across articles claiming one position is superior to another. Perhaps you've even read that the way you’re sleeping could negatively affect your overall health.


What are the main sleep positions?

You may find yourself in numerous sleep positions overnight, but there are three overarching groups: back sleeping, where you face upward; stomach sleeping, wherein you lie belly-down; and side sleeping, where you position yourself over one shoulder and hip.

大多数人真的没有one睡眠位置,通常以一种方式入睡,并以不同的方向醒来。至于最受欢迎的睡眠位置,这是激烈的争论。一项研究发现受试者整夜都在一侧度过, rather than their stomachs or backs.


someone sleeps on their side in bed
图片来源:Getty Images / Svitlana Hulko

There isn't a sleep position that's inherently better. Rather, it's what's best for your body.


In this case, it turns out the rumors aren’t necessarily true: Experts generally agree that you don’t need to change your position. One particular motto comes to mind: If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.



That said, certain positions can be better for some medical conditions such as睡眠呼吸暂停。The sleep disorder, which causes people to stop breathing for short periods in the night, can be more common in back sleepers according to Jefferson Health, a hospital system in Philadelphia. With expert guidance, likepositional therapy, you can change your sleep position to keep your airways open throughout the night. For back sleepers that suffer from sleep apnea, the hospital says it can be helpful to use a foam wedge or shift to sleeping on the side.



a man sleeps on his back
图片来源:Getty Images / Lsophoto


物理治疗师兼发言人本·冯(Ben Fung)说,这个想法是一种更传统的思维方式美国物理治疗组合ion。他说:“这个想法是[回头睡觉]的最佳姿势与站在躺下时所拥有的最佳姿势相同。”



Should you change your sleep position?

someone sleeps on their stomach in pink pajama bottoms on white sheets
Credit: Getty Images / Deagreez



“理想的睡眠位置是对您的解剖学,生理学和生活方式最佳的睡眠姿势,” Fung说。新万博赞助英超最好的部分是您的身体可能已经为您提供了此信息。



That’s not to say you'll never upset the apple cart. At some point, you may wake up in discomfort even though you’re sleeping in the same position that you always have. It could be a small issue such as taking an extra long flight or another small change that your nervous system is letting you know about.

函数将这些答复比作钱德勒·宾(Chandler Bing)臭名昭著的“哦!”场景,在此期间朋友在开始新的锻炼程序后,角色几乎无法拿到一杯咖啡。这是身体告诉您某些事情发生变化的方式,也许不喜欢它。

In these cases, you can more often than not revert back to your preferred sleep position, Fung says. When in doubt, it might be helpful to see an expert like an orthopedic physical therapist who can help you play detective.

Most of the time, if you need to change your sleep position due to a recent surgery, another medical condition, or pregnancy, you’ll already be in touch with a healthcare provider that can help you determine what’s best for you and your needs.

How can you make the most of your sleep position?

a pregnant person lies on their side in bed
Credit: Getty Images / Youngoldman

A body pillow may help people who are pregnant switch from stomach sleeping to lying on one side.

It’s impossible to make blanket recommendations for sleep positions, but there is general information that may be of use.

  • Pregnant people who usually sleep on their stomachs may like abody pillowthat can provide the sensation of something pressed to the front of their bodies. We love theQueen Rose身体枕头的形状几乎像宽阔的鲍比销,使您可以坐落在中间。我们的测试人员发现不仅对她的脖子和头部,而且还可以舒适。

  • 考虑获得新床枕头如果您拥有当前的人,而不是few years。枕头对侧面卧铺尤其重要,因为它们支撑着头部和颈部,并且可以防止上脊柱疼痛。我们最喜欢的是库库之家好原始枕头。我们爱it because it’s machine-washable and filled with shredded foam that can be adjusted to your preferences. The brand also sells a softer option, the伊甸园枕头

  • Creatively use pillows to睡个好觉。例如,胃部睡眠者可能会受益于他们的小腿下方的薄枕头,以减轻腰椎和臀部的负荷。侧面卧铺可以受益于将其上臂和腿垂在body pillow。如果您在背上睡觉,请考虑将枕头塞在膝盖下。

  • 如果可能的话,请确保您的mattressworks well for the position you sleep in. Generally, you shouldreplace your mattress every decade。If you tend to sleep on your side, a softer option like the花蜜床垫might be more comfortable.在我们的测试中,我们发现它的表面是宽容的,非常适合在您睡觉时摇篮。另一方面,胃和背部睡眠者可能更喜欢牢固的东西,例如Tuft & Needle Original我们爱that it almost feels as though you’re floating above the surface.

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Prices were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time.

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