  • About the Fitbit Charge 5 fitness tracker

  • What we like about the Charge 5

  • 我们不喜欢收费5

  • Charge 5具万搏体育官网网址有哪些新功能?

  • 您应该购买费用5吗?

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  • 自在

  • 使用方便

  • Tracks a lot about your health


  • 展示会感到混乱

Pretty much any information you could want from a fitness tracker, you’ll get with the Charge 5.

About the Fitbit Charge 5 fitness tracker

A woman exercising wearing a Fitbit Charge 5.
Credit: Fitbit


The Charge 5 is the latest iteration in Fitbit’s Charge collection. It’s about one inch wide, slightly larger than some other fitness trackers like theFitbit Luxe,但比智能手表小。收费5的一些方便功能包万搏体育官网网址括其内置GPS,20种运动模式(您可以添加6种捷径并直接从设备开始),睡眠跟踪和非接触式付款。

But one of the biggest advantages of the Charge 5 is how much you can do right from your wrist. It’s easy to swipe through the tabs to find the feature you want. Scrolling side to side you can access your notifications, exercise shortcuts (which allow you to quickly start recording an exercise using the tracker’s GPS), alarms, timers, electrodermal activity sensor (which tracks your stress level), and any other apps you download to your home screen. Scrolling up lets you access the “smart” settings which include the display settings, water lock (which locks the screen while showering or swimming to prevent splashes from activating any features), sleep and “do not disturb” modes, and payments options (for contactless payments). Scrolling down gives you summarized health information such as steps taken, calories burned, distance walked, your “active zone minutes,” hourly activity, heart rate and resting heart rate, and summarized sleep data.

You can view more detailed information about your heart rate, sleep, weight, stress, andFitbit应用程序锻炼。Pretty much any information you could want from a fitness tracker, you’ll get with the Charge 5.

What we like about the Charge 5

Credit: Fitbit

The Charge 5 is comfortable and easy to use.

The ease of recording workouts

The Charge 5 is especially inspiring when it comes to fitness motivation. In addition to the expected step tracking and reminders to move when you’ve been sitting too long, using the tracker outside for walks, runs, and bike rides is a cinch. I found the screen easy to read thanks to its increased brightness (Fitbit says it’s twice as bright as the Charge 4), and responsive to my touch, even while I was dripping in sweat. To start recording a workout, you scroll over to the exercise shortcuts, select the type of activity you're looking for, and tap the screen to press play. If you have your phone with you, the built-in GPS connects almost immediately (it takes roughly five seconds) and I didn’t experience any disconnect or delays during my workouts. If you don't bring your phone, the GPS takes longer to connect—about 15 to 20 seconds. However, you don't need to wait for the GPS to connect before taking off. The Charge 5 will estimate where your activity began and adjust the distance traveled. In my tests, the tracker accurately determined where I started exercising.

更重要的是,如果你忘了锻炼模式启动on the tracker, your walk, run, swim, or bike ride will be automatically counted in the app, as the Charge 5 recognizes sustained repetitive movement lasting at least 10 minutes as an exercise session (though you can change the settings to auto-recognize activity after anywhere from 10 to 90 minutes of movement). You won’t get to see your route traveled, but you can still check out your heart rate, calories burned, and “zone minutes” earned.

For workouts you track with the GPS, not only can you view your course later in the app, but you can see on a map how your heart rate and pace changed throughout your workout. For example, when your heart rate is in a lower zone, the distance ran (or walked or cycled or swam) in that zone is colored in yellow. When your heart rate increases, you can see on the map where it gets up to the orange or red zones. You can view your pace in a similar way—“low pace” stretches are blue and “high pace” stretches are green—so you can see where you sped up or slowed down along the way.


If you want to keep tabs on your heart rate while exercising, you can set the tracker to alert you when you enter a new heart rate zone. I used this feature during a HIIT cycling class and it confirmed when I was pushing myself into the next zone or letting my heart rate drop during a recovery phase. It helped me push a little harder during the intense periods (I tried to get from the “cardio” zone into “peak”) and gauge when my heart rate returned to a lower zone during recovery stretches.

Wrist-based heart rate tracking is never as accurate or quick to respond to pulse changes as if you were to wear a chest strap-based monitor, but I found the Charge 5 seemed accurate enough for me in the workouts where I paid attention to it. When I went on a run with the Charge 5, my heart rate peaked when I was sprinting and slowed while I took a break to walk. I didn’t feel the tracker tooktoolong to catch up with my rising or falling pulse, and felt the heart rate measurements and workout intensity maps accurately represented my heart rate, even if it wasn’t 100% perfect.

The sleep tracking reinforces a bedtime routine

我发现Charge 5的睡眠跟踪和功能对于改善我的睡眠周期是准确且有用的。万搏体育官网网址它跟踪有趣的数据,例如在您的睡眠阶段(清醒,轻,深和REM),心率和估计的氧气变化(这可能是睡眠时呼吸障碍的迹象)。您还可以为Fitbit回答一些问题,以了解您想获得多少睡眠以及您想在早上醒来的时间,它将为您设定目标就寝时间,并在开始挂在下面的时候向您发送提醒夜晚。

But my favorite sleep feature is the “smart wake'' alarm, which signals your Fitbit to vibrate half an hour before your alarm is set to go off to gently wake you up. As a night owl and a deep sleeper, I found this feature effectively roused me and made for a much more pleasant awakening than a traditional alarm clock—it would be especially useful for people who have to get up at a different time than their sleep partner.


Credit: Fitbit

并非所有Charge 5的功能都是完美的。万搏体育官网网址


Though I felt the Charge 5 accurately evaluated my heart rate—I measured my pulse the old-fashioned way a few times and found the tracker’s estimates to be near-perfect—I didn’t like the zones Fitbit calculated. Typically,heart rateis measured in five zones, ranging from 50% to 100% of your maximum heart rate. However, Fitbit uses four zones—“below zones,” “fat burn,” “cardio,” and “peak”—which feels less accurate and slightly confusing.

适应four heart rate zones can be difficult for those who already track their heart rate. And for those who don’t already pay attention to their pulse, Fitbit’s zone names can be misleading. From my estimations, the “below zone” was anything less than 59% of my maximum heart rate, the “fat burn” zone was 59% to 73%, the “cardio” zone was 74% to 89%, and the “peak” zone was 90% to 100%. When your heart rate is 50% to 60% of your maximum, that’s generally considered zone 1. You’ll find yourself in zone 1 during light activity like on recovery days or during a warm-up, and though your heart rate is relatively low, it doesn’t mean you aren’t working out, as “below zone” may imply. Similarly, the “fat burn” zone is not necessarily the most effective zone to target if your goal is to lose weight. Though you will burn more calories from fat than carbs proportionally at a lower heart rate, the most efficient way to lose weight is to burn more calories overall, which will happen at a higher intensity. And lastly, you don’t need to stay in the “cardio” zone for your entire cardio workout—in fact, you will see more aerobic improvement if you混合强度在一些锻炼中。

The smart notifications aren’t all that useful

虽然我很欣赏Fitbit包括的努力some smartwatch features on the Charge 5, I didn’t find them up to par. While receiving text or app notifications on the Fitbit can be useful, the feature falls flat for iPhone users like me, given the fact that only Android users can "quick reply" from their wrists.

It’s also not very convenient to view the notifications on the tracker because the screen is not as large as a typical智能手表。您会发现自己向下滚动以完成阅读,甚至是简短的文本,并感到沮丧,试图以每行两个单词的速度阅读任何内容。总体而言,通知无法掌握其潜力。

The lack of device customization

Even though it was easy to scroll back and forth on the tracker, the volume of tabs and features is...很多。For example, I never used the timers or text notifications—and don’t see myself using them in the future—and would like to get rid of the excess tabs clogging my home screen, but that’s not an option for most of the pre-loaded apps.

同样,我认为Charge 5可以从锻炼统计数据的一些可自定义的简化中受益。在步行或跑步时,您可以查看当前的速度,平均步伐,心率,燃烧的卡路里,采取的步骤,一天中的时间,距离旅行,锻炼时间以及通过在跟踪器上的几个屏幕上挖掘来获得的区域分钟。Fitbit包含很多数据点真是太好了,但是感觉很混乱,这比在锻炼时检查这些统计数据更加困难。我可以点击屏幕三遍以查看我的心律,然后再敲打四次,看看我跑了多远(或走路或骑自行车),然后四个more恢复我的心率的时间。您不太可能会保留标签allthese statistics in the middle of a workout, and it would be smart if you could remove the ones you don’t use so you can do less tapping mid-movement—this customizability is also not an option on the Charge 5.

Charge 5具万搏体育官网网址有哪些新功能?

A man looking at his Fitbit Charge 5 while sitting on a bed and an image of the Charge 5 and Fitbit app.
Credit: Fitbit

The Charge 5's new features set it apart from other trackers.

Though the latest addition to Fitbit’s Charge collection looks similar to its predecessors, it has a few new upgraded features—and a higher price tag, retailing for about $180. The Charge 5 is somewhat slimmer than the收费4(Fitbit说,10%),整天穿着更舒适。该公司声称屏幕是Charge 4的两倍,这很容易在阳光下观看(我们对other Fitbits).

The Charge 5 also includeselectrodermal activity (EDA) sensors, previously introduced on the Fitbit Sense smartwatch but new to the Charge collection, which evaluate electrical changes in your skin and tell you how stressed you are on a scale of one to 100. The sensors are on the sides of the screen; to use them, you start an EDA scan in the menu and pinch your thumb and forefinger around them for three minutes.


一个女人看着她的Fitbit Charge 5在手腕上。
Credit: Fitbit



The Charge 5 is our favorite pick for an all-around fitness tracker. It tracks a myriad of useful health information, not just your steps taken or calories burned, and is easy to use. The sleep and exercise tracking are knockout features of this Fitbit, and the inclusion of stress tracking is an added bonus to an already great product.

Despite all the features we love, the lack of customization contributes to the Charge 5’s cluttered feel and the features that aren't very useful like the text notifications knock off a few points. Additionally, the features that Fitbit doesn’t do so well, like it’s wonky heart rate zones, are drawbacks to any Fitbit tracker.


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Staff Writer, Health and Fitness

Esther is a writer at Reviewed covering all things health and fitness.

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